Theatrum Mundi

  • Design
  • New York
  • Wed, June 19 —
    Tue, September 24, 2024
Theatrum Mundi

The Cervantes Institute in New York presents Theatrum Mundi, an exhibition that showcases unpublished images and plans of the Roman Theater in the city of Mérida in Spain.

The expression “Theatrum Mundi” is a literary cliché that understands the reality where we live as a stage where we are all actors representing our different roles throughout our lives. The exhibition Theatrum Mundi compiles unpublished images and historical plans of the Roman Theater in the city of Mérida, Spain, as well as some projects that show the restorations it has undergone over time.

More than 2,000 years of history have witnessed the stones of the Roman Theater of Mérida, an emblematic monument of the city and a piece of architecture that is configured as an archetype of what theater buildings were like in Roman times. Knowing the architectural secrets of this Emeritus theater is now a possibility thanks to this exhibition.

Based on the current condition of the monument and its restorations, the work team conducted a critical analysis to determine its appearance in Roman times, with red stucco coatings, fabric-covered awnings, curtains, and wooden scene elements.


Venue map

Instituto Cervantes, 211-215 E 49th St, New York, NY 10017


Free. Visiting hours: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 7 pm, and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.

More information

Instituto Cervantes


Presented by the Cervantes Institute in New York.



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