Past events / 2874 past events around the U.S.

El Greco in New York
  • Visual arts
  • New York

El Greco in New York

New York celebrates the 400th anniversary of El Greco’s death with an unprecedented set of institutional collaborations and exhibits.

Nov 4 – Feb 1, 2015

'The Female Teachers of the Republic'
  • Film
  • Charlottesville, VA

'The Female Teachers of the Republic'

The Spanish documentary explores the experiences and ideals of all those pioneers whose project was so savagely destroyed by the Civil War that started in 1936.

Nov 4 – Nov 7, 2014

El Greco: A 400th Anniversary Celebration
  • Visual arts
  • Washington, D.C.

El Greco: A 400th Anniversary Celebration

On the 400th anniversary of El Greco’s death, the National Gallery of Art and Washington-Area Collections presents a commemorative exhibition of El Greco’s paintings.

Nov 2 – Feb 16, 2015

'Entre Marta y Lope' ('Between Marta and Lope') Fall Tour
  • Performing arts
  • Denison, OH

'Entre Marta y Lope' ('Between Marta and Lope') Fall Tour

A contemporary play on the last days of Lope de Vega, the foremost Spanish playwright of the Golden Age.

Nov 1, 2014

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn Book Tour in New York
  • Literature
  • New York

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn Book Tour in New York

Valerie Miles discusses ‘A Thousand Forests in One Acorn,’ a collection of 28 of the greatest Spanish-language writers of the 20th century.

Nov 1 – Nov 11, 2014

Mi Platero
  • Literature
  • Miami

Mi Platero

CCEMiami celebrates 100 years of ‘Platero y yo’ by Juan Ramón Jimenez with a panel of experts in the work of the Nobel Prize and a mini theatrical piece.

Oct 31, 2014

Isabella: The Warrior Queen by Kirstin Downey
  • Literature
  • Washington, D.C.

Isabella: The Warrior Queen by Kirstin Downey

Part of a Pulitzer-winning team during her many years at The Washington Post, Downey follows her acclaimed biography of Frances Perkins with this compelling portrait of one of history’s most complex leaders.

Oct 31, 2014

'Pasos al azar' ('Random Steps')
  • Performing arts
  • Washington, D.C.

'Pasos al azar' ('Random Steps')

A tragicomedy born from the research about women in the Spanish Golden Age as part of Teatro de la Luna’s 17th International Festival of Hispanic Theater.

Oct 31 – Nov 2, 2014

Documentary screening: 'El Greco: An Artist’s Odyssey'
  • Film
  • Washington, D.C.

Documentary screening: 'El Greco: An Artist’s Odyssey'

In celebration of El Greco’s 400th anniversary, the Embassy of Greece and SPAIN arts & culture present the National Gallery of Art’s ‘El Greco: An Artist’s Odyssey’ in an exclusive premiere.

Oct 30, 2014

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn Book Tour
  • Literature
  • Providence

A Thousand Forests in One Acorn Book Tour

Valerie Miles discusses ‘A Thousand Forests in One Acorn,’ a collection of 28 of the greatest Spanish-language writers of the 20th century

Oct 30, 2014

Diego El Cigala in San Francisco
  • Music
  • San Francisco

Diego El Cigala in San Francisco

Three-time Grammy Winner Diego El Cigala has captivated audiences all over the world with his gravelly voice and passionate interpretation of flamenco.

Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2014

Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca in New York
  • Performing arts
  • New York

Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca in New York

Soledad Barrio and her astounding company, Noche Flamenca, perform a night of flamenco with live music, featuring excerpts from Sophocles’ tale.

Oct 29 – Nov 9, 2014